Better Beauty with BeautyCounter
Y’ALL! Where do I start? I’ll run through the products I suggest you start off with to test out the brand– they’ve got a lot to offer and I know that can get overwhelming sometimes. CLICK HERE TO SHOP!!!!!!!
Not gonna lie– I t o t a l l y bought this bar because I thought it was super cute. Whatever, we’re all guilty of it. BUT it was meant to be because it turned out to be one of the greatest things I introduced to my skin. Not only does she detoxify the skin and remove impurities, she brightens and smooths out your complexion, too. W I N! I have also used her as a spot treatment on blemishes and it dries them up overnight! To be used on your face AND body. SHOP HERE!
I am a big believer in BB cream, it’s been my favorite makeup product for years UNTIL I got my hands on this hydrating foundation! A little more coverage than a BB cream without looking “caked” on and thick, which was the reason me and my dry skin had to avoid foundations in the past. I would say this is still light to medium coverage but the hydration is just too good to be true, I love putting makeup on that feels good for my skin! SHOP HERE!
Okay I am not usually even a concealer user because, again, I think it can look a little “caked” on my dry skin…. but thats not really the results I’ve seen with this touchup pen. She is really ‘liquidy’ still, so I think that helps it absorb down into the skin (but not into your creases– if that makes sense). Whatever this voodoo magic is, I’m into it and blemish/dark circle free! SHOP HERE!
Errrrrbody needs a night cream– I don’t care who ya are. I cover from forehead to collarbone in night cream… because, aging. Plus, like I’ve mentioned nineteen million times, I’m super dry and need all the moisture I can get. SHOP HERE!
Ugh. Something I just started *needing* this year– welcome to 24! I noticed about 6 months ago that I had ‘bags’ under my eyes by the end of the day and my makeup was even settling into the creases YIKES! I wasn’t prepared for that to happen yet. So I have been testing everrrrry under eye cream and serum on the market to try and combat these early signs of aging. Things were either S U P E R expensive or too greasy or too goopy (I’m a texture freak). Anyway, I love this product because it just feels just like you’re applying moisturizer under your eyes– nothing aggressive. I know you don’t see results with these type of products overnight so I’m excited to see what this baby can do because she feels like a dream. I only included her in this list because I don’t think its ever too early to introduce an under eye scenario into your skincare routine. SHOP HERE!
If you love the convenience makeup wipe *guilty* but hate how drying they can be *me, me, me* then this is what you’ve been looking for! I never realized how bad a makeup wipe was for you until I started digging into the products I was putting on my face… I was stunned and freaked out! I stopped immediately but missed the ease of a wipe. I was soon happy to find these to have in my bag for travel and nights when I just can’t do the whole routine (lol, life). SHOP HERE!
I looooooove a cream cleanser, she’s S U P E R gentle. I like her in the morning time right when I wake up so I can start the day with a clean mug slash remove all the moisturizers, serums and oils I piled on the night before. If I’m feeling like I need a little something extra, I’ll apply it with my clarisonic to really get in there, waaalaaa new day, new face! SHOP HERE!
THIS. I CAN’T SAY ENOUGH. It’s my #1 product HANDS. DOWN. It removes makeup and impurities from your skin while HYDRATING! Literally the product I’ve been searching for all of my days!!! If you’re only wanting to start with one product this is the one! I will never ever ever not use it. I saw a difference in my skin after one ONE use! O N E!!! Because this is soon hydrating, I only use it in the evening and wake up with a fresh, dewy face. SHOP HERE!
I looooove a rosewater mist and have used several religiously over the last year or so– this one is a little lighter. I love applying a rosewater mist over my makeup to freshen things up and create a ‘dewy’ look! SHOP HERE!