If you’ve ever wondered what I actually wear day-to-day…. here it is. Nothing exciting but SO comfortable and easy to throw on. I love wearing bombers with leggings and sneakers because 1. I’m A L W A Y S cold so layering is a must and 2. you can never tell if I just worked out or if that’s just my outfit for the day (but probably both). I have been on a total workout kick lately– from classes at Lexington’s new CycleBar to personal training with my boo Ramsey at Strong Shop Fitness. AND since y’all know I keep a hectic schedule *because 20s* I feel like I was kinda need to be ready to squeeze in a workout wherever it fits that day…. even if its just popping my headphones in and walking a few miles with B (aka my favorite thing to do if the weather is nice). So, having my workout gear on is a must… but that doesn’t mean I have to look like a gym rat.. #balance.