2018 Goals



Accountability is a huge benefit of blogging! I say and do things online and y’all really hold a girl to it. So, that’s basically the reason I chose to share *some* of my New Years resolutions publicly. I want to hear y’alls, too! Drop a comment below or email me– let’s chat about the good, bad and the ugly.

  1. Learn to enjoy coffee with no creamer (or a healthier alternative, like nut pods). I am a coffee addict, but totally one of other “would you like come coffee with your creamer” type people). It just tastes so good! But, I know it’s loaded with sugars and other things I don’t need to put in my body everyday. While I would love to be able to drink it black like a *real* grown up, I am going to work my way up by starting with just a splash of a healthy alternative, like almond milk or nut pod creamer.
  2. Make my bed everyday– this is something I do 75% of the time anyway, but I would love to do it every single day. Something about a made bed just says ‘you have your life together’. This will all be a little easier to do if… (see #3).
  3. Wake up earlier– instead of just rolling out of bed 20 minutes before I need leave my house. Becoming a morning person has been a new years resolution of mine basically since I graduated college (for those keeping count at home– that was three years ago). While I am definitely getting better at consistently waking up before 9am (I used to sleep til noon every chance I got), I am still not doing this with the ease I would like. I would L O V E to be a person who could roll out of bed at 7am everyday all bright eyed, but thats just not me and I am going to have to actively work on it… which will be easier if I…. (see #4)
  4. Go to bed earlier– I get ready for bed and am tucked in by 9:30pm most nights, but of course I take this time to catch up on social media and binge shows on Netflix… which means I stay up til 1am. I’m not going to be able to accomplish goals 2 and 3 if I don’t get better at this one… being old sucks. Since when are these ‘goals’? hahaha small victories. whatever.
  5. Read 10 books in a year– that’s totally attainable, right? Less than one whole book a month. Let’s go. I love a good story, but I never make time for reading unless I’m on a trip and sitting by the pool/ocean… and in that case I can crank for 3 in a week. Maybe this is something I add into my nighttime routine and turn off the devices- I’ll read, get sleepy earlier, wake up earlier and have time to make my bed… full circle.
  6. Cook more (and learn to cook new things)– creature of habit here! If/when I cook, I cook the same 4 things over and over again. I’m going to be a wife this year (EEEEEK) and that means more time making our little house a home, and I totally associate that feeling with a good home cooked meal. So for you SD, I will cook more often and more options.
  7. Travel somewhere new– again, creature of habit! I love to find a good, familiar destination and go back to it time and time again (i.e. Aspen and Bahamas). I have grown up going to both of these places annually and they are both such fun and nostalgic places for me. They never get old! While I love traveling somewhere I know, I would love to go somewhere out of my comfort zone this year.