Podcasts are my fav– if ya don’t know, now ya know. I walk B for about an hour almost every single day and this is when I just pop my headphones in, play a podcast and zone out. There is a Starbucks about a mile and a half from our house, so I love to walk there and grab a drink and walk back– which almost always ends up being an hour. We have gorgeous tree lined streets to walk and a really fun historical park in the middle. I love walking for a lot of reasons– but mainly, Kayla Itsines says it’s the best thing to keep a females legs thin and not bulky (hi, sign me up) and it’s good for my high strung soul.
Something about getting out of my house, in the sun and not being able to do anything besides take care of my brain and body is good for the heart (I know, DUHHH). I’ve been working from home full time for nearly five months and I struggle with turning my brain off at the end of the work day…. like, if someone doesn’t stop me, I could work until 9pm *not healthy*. So, when I’m done with a project or it’s five o’clock-ish (whichever is first) I turn the computer off, put my tennis shoes on and hit the sidewalk.
Anyway– I listen to a little bit of everything, depending on my mood… from things for my business to murder mysteries to bible studies and self help type stuff. I did a post on my favorite podcasts last year, if you want to catch up with what I’ve listened to in the past HERE. But a few weeks ago I asked on Instagram Stories what everyone loved to listen to. Below are my favorites and one’s y’all suggested:
- The Influencer Podcast– this one is specific to influencer marketing where Julie Solomon interviews different leaders in the industry every week. It is fun, easy to listen to and super insightful for blogging and social media. Juls has shaped my entire career since going full time nearly five months ago– check her program out: Pitch It Perfect for added content and help building your business and personal brand.
- The Skinny Confidential Him and Her Podcast– focuses on brand building and entrepreneurship, but also touches on everything fro health and wellness to relationships.
- The Goal Digger Podcast– Jenna Kutcher’s main goal with this podcast is to teach listeners how to turn their passion into profits through social media tips and tricks, branding hacks and, best of all, stories of her trials and triumphs in the industry. This was the first podcast of its kind that I listened to and LEARNED from.
- 4. The Balanced Blonde Podcast– by Jordan Younger is a blogger and definitely touches on growing your entrepreneurial spirit through the blogging industry, but she’s also so relatable as she speaks to the difficulties of keeping that drive going by interviewing people that keep her passionate from week to week
- Dirty John– a captivating story about two a couple who’s families are wild about their relationship, as told by key players in the story.
- The Teacher’s Pet– brand new and I haven’t even listened yet, but it came HIGHLY recommended but OTTEstyle readers. Seems to be about a wife going missing from her seemingly perfect family and life and has been a cold case for thirty six years
- Cults– self explanatory here and I’m oddly into it, but the hosts cover a different cult each week… tons of content here, y’all. I suggest starting with Charles Manson and The Family.
- RISE Podcast– this is another one I haven’t listened to, but Rachel Hollis is all. over. the. internet. and everyone is raving about this podcast, so it’s definitely next in my queue. I also bought her book, Girl, Wash Your Face, so Rach is about to become my new bestie and she doesn’t even know it yet.
- The Refined Collective– another one I haven’t listened to but HIGHLY recommend– appears to be about women who are leaders feeling safe and vulnerable enough to share their stories in a male driven society? Could be a good listen.
- 3. Lady Lovin’– hosted by Lo Bosworth (hellllllo, can I have LC’s digits?) so, need I say more. So entertaining… think, dinner and drinks with friends without the hassle of getting dressed and actually having to socialize with humans.
- That Sounds Fun– my daily dose of Jesus through the funniest and sweetest human– Annie F Downs.