ONE: this tabletop gas grill makes cooking out simple! If your dad is like mine, he wants to grill even when it’s just for himself– this keeps him from having to fire up his big grill! Super easy to clean and convenient to use.
TWO: these sunglasses are such a classic! I love them for the dad in your life at any age. I even think I could use it as an excuse to get S some new shades (y’all know he needs them)– after all, he is a dog dad!?
THREE: you can’t beat Yeti when it comes to Father’s Day! I love this koozie (you can even get it customized if you order it soon). I got my dad THIS cooler a few years ago and it has been his favorite, now I just take holidays as an opportunity to add accessories to his collection.
FOUR: this Mizzen + Main shirt is Sam’s current favorite! It’s so good, I had to grab one for my dad– they’re wearing them above! I remember the first time Sam put one of their shirts on, he was hooked! It’s such a breathable, stretchy fabric while still remaining it’s shape and ‘business casual’ standard. I also love that it’s wrinkle resistant– makes my life so much easier. Sam wears a large slim, my dad is in a large standard.
FIVE: I am a huge BeautyCounter fan so I got this set for S for Christmas. He loves it! They have several different sets you can choose from, check them all out HERE!
SIX: this Sous Vide Precision Cooker will take your dad’s cooking up a notch! My dad has THIS actual cooker, but this would be a much more affordable intro into the Sous Vide cooking style. He loves it! The precision cooker has Wifi and Bluetooth, making it way too easy to get meat cooked to the perfect temperature every time.
SEVEN: every man’s tailgating dream come true– aka the portable fold up BBQ grill! This thing makes it way too easy to grill… can you tell the men in my life love to cook out? Basically all of these gifts are tailored to grilling.
EIGHT: because S and I are always looking for a knife, this is definitely what Bo is getting Sam for Father’s Day.
NINE: another grilling gift! But this would be a great addition to any of the other grilling gifts OR to freshen up his tools from last season.
TEN: my dad doesn’t play golf, but my father in law does! I love these golf shoes– they also come in black! I always see Sam in light colored golf shoes, I guess it could be a personal preference… but I really do prefer the lighter shoes when he wears shorts golfing (aka always).
ELEVEN: I am obsessed with this watch set with three different bands! My dad, father in law and Sam all have watches they’re obsessed with so PLEASE let me live vicariously through you and by this for the dad in your life.
TWELVE: I have purchased this duffle for just about every guy I know throughout the years and it ALWAYS makes it’s way to my gift guides– I love how it looks and the quality is amazing!