Summer is so fun for a lot of reasons– the weather is better, the days are longer and life just feels a little more free! It’s hard to deny how childlike summer can feel, even as an adult. One of my favorite ways to embrace summertime is fun dates with my main squeeze.
As y’all know, we dated for nearly a decade before getting married last May– so we have date night down to a science. We have gone on just about every date imaginable, from movie and pizza nights in as seventeen year olds to weekend getaways two months into marriage and everything in between.
I talk about it on Instagram all the time, but our favorite date has always been a backroad drive… even as a married couple! From the time Sam could drive, this was our favorite way to hangout! He would pick me up, drive through Sonic and we would listen to our favorite songs and talk about everything under the moon. These drives were inexpensive for us as teenagers and probably why we started doing them… but we have continued to take these drives because this is where I see what’s on his mind and heart. We have cried, laughed and shared some of our deepest moments on the backroads of our town. This is where he showed me the road he’d love for us to *one day* buy some land and start a family on and where we both became obsessed with Tyler Childers’ music.
There is something SO important about continuing to date your spouse, so drives are something we still love to do together. I often feel closest to him in these moments in the car– holding hands, windows down and the music all the way up. Could we do all of these things in the comfort of our own home now? Of course! And we do… but I also want to make it a habit to get out of the house and pursue each other day after day. After ten years of loving this boy, I still learn something new about him on our drives.
Of course, this isn’t the only date we go on! I’ve made a list of our top 10 favorite dates, from daytime casual to all dressed up for a night out on the town!
Probably the most obvious date, but one that shouldn’t be looked over is dinner out! It’s so easy to get caught up in ‘life’ that you forget how easy it is to just go on a dinner date with your man. One way to make it a little more special is plan it out in advance, give yourselves something to plan on and look forward to! Another way is to actually get dressed up, like you would on a first date. Now that you’re planning on it and you’re all dressed up, it feels like something special and not just another dinner– remember to be present sitting across the dinner table, put your phone away and try not to talk about anything to do with the house.
Some of our local favorites for a nice dinner are: J. Alexander’s, Tony’s, Jeff Ruby’s, Malone’s, OBC, Distilled and Cole’s.
While we’re on the topic of dinner, let’s not forget about the spontaneous and casual date night– which is a little more common but just as important! All of the same basics apply: be present, don’t talk about the kids or chores or errands– spend quality time together just DATING!
Some of our favorite casual dinner spots: Carson’s, County Club, Corto Lima, Buddha Lounge, Pies & Pints, LockBox, Pasta Garage, Oscar Diggs, and MiddleFork.
Next up as far as dining dates– lunch! Day dates are extra fun because we usually do something else afterwards like shopping, buy some plants, go on a walk, roam around Target… everyday things that feel a little more intentional!
Some of our favorite lunch spots: Corto Lima, Goodfellas, Wine + Market, Eppings on Eastside, Bear and The Butcher, and Pearls.
A night out on the town might be more your speed… or something you used to do in the beginning of being together and haven’t done in awhile– well, this summer get out and enjoy some drinks outside and dance the night away with your boo like y’all are 21 and without a care in the world!
Might I suggest a few places for cocktails: Mirrortwin Brewing, Belle’s Cocktail House, West Main, Ona, and Elkhorn Tavern.
I saved one of the best dates for last– the night in! This usually includes me cooking something and us eating it in front of our TV in the basement. This is when we binge our favorite shows or watch a movie! I L O V E these dates because they are SO simple and always SO fun and relaxing. Dates don’t have to be complicated or a ton of fuss, sometimes it looks like you in your favorite sweats and a bowl of pasta watching Game of Thrones with your best friend… and these are some of my favorite nights.
Because I want to give y’all some suggestions, here are some of the shows we’ve enjoyed watching together: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Billions, Riverdale, How To Get Away With Murder, Big Little Lies, Justified, True Detective, Brooklyn Nine Nine and the one we always go back to: The Office