With Nora’s big arrival coming in the next couple of weeks, I thought it was about time we officially put together our hospital bags! I don’t know when she will make her grand entrance, but I sure want to be as prepared as I can be… starting with our hospital stay. I am totally aware that the hospital will have absolutely everything we *need* for our time there, but I think there are a few additional things to bring that we might *want*. Here’s our checklists:
Checklist for baby:
+ newborn and 0-3m outfits (just in case she’s a little big for NB)- keeping it comfy, so I’m bringing gowns and footies
+ swaddles and blankets
+ socks, bows, hats and mittens
** I even packed all of her ‘outfits’ (gowns/footies + swaddle + bow) in gallon baggies so that they are all organized together and Sam is able to just grab a bag for me and we don’t have to think about what goes with what.. might be overkill, but this tip was suggested a lot so I thought we could try it out!
+ pacifier- I’m bringing a few brands to see which she’ll prefer *if any*
+ sound machine
+ going home outfit- I packed THIS zipper footie for her, since she will need to go in the carseat and a gown wouldn’t work as well
Checklist for mom:
+ pajamas with button tops for breastfeeding
+ nursing bras and tanks
+ robe
+ socks
+ slipppers and shower shoes
+ blanket and pillow
+ nipple cream and nursing pads
+ reusable water bottle with straw
+ toiletries and makeup (and maybe even a little mirror to get ready from bed *if I’m feeling up to it, not putting pressure on myself by any means… but also sometimes looking like myself makes me feel better, too*)
+ female adult diapers- I know the hospital will have mesh underwear/pads but I’ve heard I might prefer these so I’m packing them for options
+ extra long phone charge/portable phone charger
+ nightlight- for late night feedings to avoid the bright overhead lights
+ stroller fan- to attach to the side of your bed
+ iPad/kindle- for a little distraction during early labor
+ going home outfit- I’m thinking I’ll wear a dress with sandals to keep it simple + comfy
+ insurance card
+ nurses ‘thank you’ baskets (2) – remember you will have two sets of nurses with you during your hospital stay: labor & delivery and then mother & baby
Checklist for dad:
+ pajamas for nighttime
+ loungewear/outfits for daytime
+ blanket and pillow
+ toiletries
+ extra long phone charger
+ laptop/iPad
+ snacks